I’m a huge fan of the power of the mighty question mark. Awareness opens the door to positive change,
and questions open the door to awareness. As you look at the year to come, here are 22 questions to
explore that will give you the insights to start sculpting change in your life.
Don’t let the volume of questions here overwhelm you. Just scan through it and start exploring the ones
that catch your eye.
1. What do I need more of in my life? How can I add that?
2. What do I need less of in my life? How can I reduce that?
3. What in my life is energizing me? How can I bring more of that into the picture?
4. What in my life is draining my energy? How can I minimize that?
5. What are potential energizers I can easily build into my life?
6. Is my career on track? If not, what would on track look like?
7. What about my work do I enjoy? How can I do more of that?
8. What about my work drains me? How can I do less of that?
9. What one small change could I make that would make my life better?
10. What is getting in my way? (External obstacles)
11. How am I getting in my own way? (Internal obstacles)
12. What am I accepting that I shouldn’t be?
13. If I could change one thing about my life this year, what would it be? How can I start?
14. What help do I need? Where can I find it?
15. Who can I help? How?
16. What are some easy ways to make the world a better place?
17. What dream am I not letting myself dream?
18. How am I keeping myself small?
19. What gifts am I underutilizing? How can I start putting them to use?
20. What is great about me? How can I remind myself of that?
21. What one habit would I like to develop?
While doing the exploration to find that clarity and awareness is invaluable, by itself it can amount to little
more than navel-gazing. To make the most out of your investment in answering those questions, translate
the answers into action. You can do that with more questions, such as:
- What goals can I set?
- What change can I make?
- What steps can I take? When? How?
- How can I support those steps?
- How can I hold myself accountable for taking those steps?
While it would be nice if you could make one massive effort at the beginning of the year and call it done
till next year, odds are against it. Instead of setting yourself up to fail with one huge step, try adding
frequency to the mix. Commit to pulling these questions out once a month, reviewing the answers you
found, and evaluating how the action items you set are unfolding.
Instead of trying to start anew at the beginning of the year, renew your path once a month and keep
course correcting as you go.
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